WAG - Here's a cool game, pick a topic, then list the next 5 things that come to mind. Go!
War: Bombs - Tanks - Hulk - Eric Bana - Jennifer Connelly
Explanation: Com'on! Anyone who has seen the expanded trailer for the Hulk has to admit the clip where the Hulk flings a tank into the sunset it pretty cool. And Jennifer Connelly looks good too.
Doves: Birds - Wings - Barbeque - Grill - George Foreman
Explanation: Halfway through, I had a vision of buffalo wings and who is a more famous griller than George Foreman?
Abraham Lincoln - Top Hat - Rabbit - Magician - Houdini - Dead
Explanation [this is a bit more complex, so let me explain it step by step]: Abe's tall hat sprung to mind faster than the log cabin, which led to the classic illusionist's trick, which lead to Houdini who was famous, in his day, for spotlighting fake mediums or spiritualists-those who claimed to contact with "those who have gone on beyond..." Personally, I wish Houdini was still with us just to see him tear in Miss Cleo.
Saturday, February 22, 2003
10:00 PM -
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