WAG - Me so tired...
Ug... The subject line says it all.
I slept so little last night...
Then I cruised without stopping all day long before 7:30 p.m.
Of course, when your brain shuts off, and you go to work at 8:00 p.m., somethings gonna give.
The time is now 9:30, and I just know remembered I brought a case full of CDs with me.
If I wasn't so long gone, I'd actually be worried about that.
Lucky for me.
All this and "Daylight Savings time is about to kick in. "Fall back, Spring forward they say."
Now I don't mind the "Fall back" part. We all love that.
But I just want to say, if I ever come across the sadistic freak who came up with "Spring Forward," something bad is going to happen (and if he's dead already, I'll just desicrate his grave).
Of course, I'd have to rest up first because I'm sleepy now.