Thursday, October 30, 2003
11:31 PM -
WAG - As narrated by a man with no neck...
The Women's Rugby Team is sposoring the annual "interactive" showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
For more information, click
If you're in the greater Columbia area are interest, the group I'm going with is shooting for the midnight showing, but the call is up to you.
Either way, have a Happy Halloween.
12:03 PM -
WAG - Catching a breath; albeit a short one...
Note: I probably could have gotten by with titling this post "Catching a Breath," but I just got done with my English 319 midterm and I'm in the "utilization of fancy and needlessly complex words with the intended purpose, but not limited intent thereof, of padding typical, basic sentences that otherwise would only take up a dismal fraction of a line, rather than formulate a whole paragraph to communicate the identical message" mindset.
Further note: You may want to take a break after muddling your way through that, but I promise to keep things simpler from here on out... or at least as simple as I ever get.
Anyway, the finishing of that last test signals the end of midterms for this semster.
- Pause for celebratory dancing... not that I do that kind of thing -
Three major tests in three days, plus a major story for creative writing. All done!
Of course I still have a major project due tomorrow (the midterm for that class was last week and we're already back to the grinding the stone), but it involves watching 2-hours of TV. It involves watching 1 hour of a program I hate, 1 hour of a program I love, and then write a two page analysis of the advertising and target audience of the programs. I know, are still stuck on the fact that the assignment is only "watching TV," but it's still going to take up time. No fastforwarding during commericals in this assignment.
I also have to call home tonight, make posters, do laundry, buy Halloween food, finalize Halloween plans (for church Hayride, "Rocky Horror Picture Show" viewing), compose and send some important emails (to both parents and the Ground floor of Cramer), and a small list of other things I need to get done separate from my lengthly list things I need to get done on Friday.
It's also Toga day for the trumpet section, so you know I have lots to worry about.
For those of you who haven't guessed, yes it's a round-a-bout way of indirectly asking for forgiveness if posting is sparse through Sunday. Sunday is wide open.
And God bless Iowa State for rescheduling it's match-up with Mizzou. It does mean I'll have to come back a day early for Thanksgiving, but it gives me one more open weekend in the midst of a busy schedule now.
Thank you Cyclones. I also apologize upfront for the late November thrashing you'll receive in November.
I also apologize to any northern Iowa relatives who read this site and still stand by those Two and Six Twisters in order to prevent a late October email thrashing.
Thank you.
4:59 AM -
Aww... The kiddies have headaches after trying to read Harry Potter in a single sitting. I'm so sad... Bah!
Stop your complaining. I read Jurrasic Park back in 1996 BEFORE the movie came out. What was that... 3rd, 4th grade? I don't have the attention span to work out the math, but give me a break...
Kids spend whole weekends camped in front of video games and you don't hear people arguing over the
ergonomics of the situation. The turning of 870 pages is certainly comparable to jostling a video controller for the same amount of time (the weight difference makes up for the extra digit movement).
I'd wager any crink in the neck or tired wrist from reading Harry Potter is certainly worth the effort (and probably a better use of time over sitting in front of a TV all day).
Consider that twangy neck a badge of honor kid. You should be so lucky.
Sunday, October 26, 2003
12:39 PM -
WAG - VERY Brief Recap
It's Homecoming weekend. Did I forget to mention it's homecoming week?
Retroactively, that should explain the lack of updates.
Throw in the fact that after a long, long game yesterday (where MU did win and clinch bowl elgibility) Marching Mizzou has to go play the halftime show for the Kansas City Chiefs, and you know you won't be hearing much more from me today.
I went to bed at eight yesterday. Slept till midnight. Fought insomnia by downloading songs off KaZaA, went back to sleep for several hours, and woke up with enough time to clean my room, make banners for student staff appreciation week, and type a short rambling post about not posting.
And with three tests this week (and a short story due) this week bodes to be just as interesting.
I'd elaborate more, but my ride will be showing up any minute.
What else is new?
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
10:55 PM -
WAG - Evaluating the Current Condition
Initial analysis: I'm still here. I'm still running.
Listing details:Life has stayed crazy, but what else is new.
I now have the Indiana Jones box collection, a key chain that reads "Got Ink," and a gallon of milk. One has been perused, one has been sampled, and one has been attached to my billfold. I’ll leave it up to you all to determine what happened to which.
My inflatable T-Rex has stayed propped up in the corner without having to be re-inflated since Saturday, which is a new personal record. No comment on the inflatable Scooby Doo however.
I have 4 tests over the course of the next week. Yes I am studying for all of them.
I have two football games to play at this weekend: MU's homecoming match up and a halftime show for the Kansas City Chiefs (7-0!).
The local snack bar has added Strawberry Passion to its selection of Minute Maid juices (and I have added Strawberry Passion to my selection in my refrigerator).
My watch brand broke - an anomaly for the clock mechanism usually breaks (due to exposure to water or inadvertent contact with hard surfaces at high velocities) before the band wears down.
I finished the novel "The Alienist" by Caleb Carr after belated starting it 3 weeks ago after purchasing it during Spring Break March 2003.
I bloodied my knees in band practice during a traditional stacking (“dog piling,” “pile-up,” whatever) of a birthday boy (or girl) at the end of band practice. I was the first person to jump the trumpet professor; making me second in a stack of roughly a dozen people. And there are some BIG trumpets. While washing up with peroxide, I calmed my nerves by singing along to "Flagpole Sitta" by Harvey Danger.
I finally got to watch my Gilmore Girls after only an 18-hour delay.
I think I figured out another birthday gift for Jessie (her birthday is at the start of December, but it’s never too early to start looking for presents – especially for members of the Y-chromosome bunch like me).
I’ve almost worked my way through the top, neon pink layer of my 5-color post-it note block and am soon to enter the yellow phase.
I bought 3 new gel pins but have yet to create any temporary tattoos.
Enjoying a meal of Lipton’s Chicken Parmesan Rice – as cooked and prepared by yourself – and reading back entries of the
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed page is definitely an experience to be savored (both the opinions and the entrée).
I can still write a post about nothing, but still take up a respectable amount of space.
Final Conclusion: Life is nuts… and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Monday, October 20, 2003
12:39 PM -
WAG - Slam Dunk
Oh yeah...
I meant to mention this Wednesday, and I somewhat alluded to it in the previous post, but I never flat out said it.
For the third year in a row, I got a choice spot in Three-Point Play, the MU Women's Basketball Pep Band.
And I'm not even last trumpet!
Granted, the powers that be (the band Assistant Staff) let EVERYBODY in, so it's not as big a deal as it could be...
But imagine for a minute what if I wouldn't have been like I still hadn't made it. I can envision going into the band office and reading the results paper on the wall.
Everyone* made it into band!
(and glancing down to the bottom of the page you see the tiny line)
With the exception of Caleb Smith. Regrets...Anyway, I have free courtside seats again this year. And all if have to do is show up once, twice a week to get my one hour of credit equaling the college credit I get for putting in 10+ hours a week (not counting performances) in Marching Mizzou.
Of course the pep bands are usually exclusively made up of Marching Mizzou members.
It all sets up the ironic, and true paradox:
Question:What's the best reason to join Marching Mizzou?
Answer:Three-Point Play.
12:21 PM -
WAG - Scheduling Rocks... for once
Yes I've been busy the last several days and have neglected this site. Lots of things to talk about, but today the major thing I'm thrilled about is getting my scheduling done for next semester.
After years of getting late crummy dates to register for classes, I find myself having the luxury of being able to schedule classes THE FIRST DAY SCHEDULING OPENS!
No more typing in the number of a class I desperately need and reading "Seats remaining: 00."
One interesting thing:
Time that I can start registering: 9:45 A.M.
First class of the Day: 10:00 A.M.
No problem. I had everything lined up and was able to pound all the numbers in and jet off to class with plenty of time to spare. I even beat the teacher - no small feat.
Anyway, here's my schedule for now:
ENGLSH 226 3.0 AMER LIT 1865-PRESENT TR 2:00-03:15
ENGLSH 330 3.0 19TH-CENTURY AMER LIT TR 11:00-12:45
JOURN 110 3.0 EDITING MW 11:00-12:15
JOURN 379 3.0 INTERNET LAW MW 4:00-05:15
Throw in Women’s Basketball Pep Band (Music 41 [another one hour, non-major course under my belt]) and I’ll be juggling a tame 16 hours next semester.
Or at least that’s what I think now. I may be cursing myself later, but we’ll see.
NOTE TO PARENTS: I did not purposely craft my schedule so that I didn’t have classes on Friday. I avoided 8 o’clock classes (as a hypochondriac would avoid tangoing with a leper). I didn’t start out with the intent to divide my schedule into English days and Journalism days, but didn’t mind swapping classes around as such to keep from having extra stacked Mondays and Wednesdays (and only one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Nevertheless, the Friday thing was a fluke I didn’t notice until I was done wrestling all my classes onto a single sheet of paper.
I went through quite a number of combinations, but still didn’t expect this.
But since it has happened… Huzzah! Here’s to staying up late Thursday watching my tape of CSI and not paying for it the next morning.
For now I must contend with my schedule of eight o’clocks and classes on Friday. Oh how spoiled I am going to be. Tee hee.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
10:48 PM -
WAG - One More Note
For those of you who read this site and pray, or those of you who would be willing to make an exception in this case, pray for my girlfriend and her family. There's a lot of stuff going down.
Jessie isn't in any trouble and nothing here is her fault. There's just a major family crisis afoot.
For those of you who think you know the whole story, know that it got even worse today.
I know... Couldn't get any worse? That's what I thought too.
Anyway, make some prayers on behalf of her and the other Wyatts.
We'd both appreciate it.
10:42 PM -
WAG - Oh Well...
Sorry Cubs.
Good luck Red Soxs.
At least we don't have to try to pick the underdog of the two now...
Eitherway, that
poor guy needed to go into the witness protection program, pronto.
Good luck on your new life Mr. Pariah, and I wish you luck wherever you may end up.
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
8:52 PM -
WAG - More Reasons Why Life Is Good
I gave blood today and didn't black out once.
I'm watching my Gilmore Girls tape.
I have a plate full of Indian food in my lap.
I have a fresh gallon of milk in my refriderator (and the expiration date is weeks away).
And I have a full box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts next to my computer.
This isn't an evening I could have imagined yesterday, let alone years ago when dreaming about college.
Here's to the good life.
Monday, October 13, 2003
7:50 PM -
WAG - Oh. Yeah...
I just remembered.
I was planning to get up early to do laundry and work on the website.
I think I was going to buy some milk too.
Yeah. Thatwas what I was going to do.
Instead I slept for just under 12 hours (starting around 8:30 p.m.) after a long, sleep-deprived weekend.
I feel better, but I'm a bit behind on things.
I guess that means everything is normal.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
10:00 PM -
This Cold Night Will Turn Us All to Fools and Madmen.- Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 3, Scene IV
At the end of the evening, the score was unimaginable.
Missouri 41, Nebraska 24.
And I'm on call tonight. Actually I've been on call most of the week and that's why I haven't been posting. I haven't reached the double digits amount of sleep in the past 60 hours. And I'm afraid there won't be much more to add after tonight.
In the 4th quarter, when Mizzou was still only up by 4 (though they never did catch up after that), I made the observation that "downtown is going to burn."
They would either be thrilled that they won the game or pissed that they lost, again.
Time would determine whether or not we’d have a “happy riot” or an “angry riot.”
A few goal post-removings later, and I’m facing the happy riot as the person representing authority.
And quiet hours are about to kick in…
This is going to be interesting.
Wish me luck. Pray for protection, guidance, and all encompassing health insurance.
Here’s hoping I’ll see the sunrise.
Have a good night (but not TOO good of a night).
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
12:40 AM -
WAG - California Dreaming
One last election thought before going to bed...
After watching the large collection of cheering, laughing Kennedys (well..., Shrivers) backing up Arnold on the platform, I bet the next family get together in Hyannisport is going to be awkward.
Just something to think about...
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
10:21 PM -
WAG - For those of you interested...
Official election results can be followed online at
That way you can be up to date and informed, without having to listen to any talking heads or so called "experts."
You're welcome.
8:39 PM -
WAG - Uno, Dos
One, Two, Tres, Quatro...
Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you.
Monday, October 06, 2003
8:51 PM -
WAG - Could you define the term "copycat"?
After a busy weekend, with a hectic start of the week, I don't have much time to post tonight.
I have lots of things floating through my head including the impending California recall (including the soon to be filed lawsuits people have already drafted, but are waiting to fill in the blanks), the Syria-Israel blow-up occurring near the 30th anniversary of the Six Days war, not to mention that Tomorrow is the ONE YEAR anniversary, of this site.
Cakes, cash, or even signatures in the guest book will be appreciated.
But between now and then, I have a big test to study for and a few reading assignments remaining for the week.
In lieu of a long, rambling post – my preferred method – I’m taking an approach my sister took a week ago (with the title slightly altered to avoid lawsuits):
The Weekend in Bullet Points* Staff weekend was a blast. Despite the great secrecy surrounding the extended absence of supervision, EVERYONE KNEW what was going on even before we spent 45 minutes in front of Cramer with bags pilled high.
* We had 3-hours of “freestyle” bowling at the Central Missouri State Student Union, where after the talented bowlers emerged, the rest of us started developing “creative” bowling techniques. From the “one legged bowler” (where one hops to the line), to “under enemy fire” (one calls out “cover me” before crawling on their stomach up the lane and rolling the ball down the lane), to “mind if I play through” (where the bowler “borrows” a neighbor’s lane and hurls a long, angling shot over the dividing barrier still aiming to knock over the pins in their original lane), we had fun.
* We had a multitude of games to choose from (twister, cards, etc), but the fiercest games of all arise when sides are pitched Y-Chromosomes versus X-Chromosomes in a Battle of the Sexes. For the records, the guys won both times.
* Truth or dare, when simplified to simply Truth, becomes more interesting when one can’t gracefully opt out of questions, and as the time gets closer to when we are supposed to get back up.
* Two hours of sleep are better than no hours, but not by much (especially when the time comes that you can hit the snooze no longer).
* Near the end of the tour, I was stopped by a girl who asked, “Where did you go to high school?” to which I answered Sullivan High School. From that information, she told me I was in the band – correct I answered, I was a drum major – correct as well – and that I went to a drum major summer camp in 2000 – correct. She informed me that she went to the same camp and that she thought she’d recognized me. I found out she had become the leader of the Music Learning Community at CMSU and I shared the trivial information I was just another member of Marching Mizzou – and happy with the lack of responsibility.
* One the way home, I was happy to be riding with the Hall Coordinator, because she actually slept the prior evening, which made my ride the safest one home as compared to the two other cars headed toward Columbia.
* Upon returning we were delighted to find the dorm had a few less flyers posted, and a few more discarded lengths of silly string in the hall, but HAD NOT burned down.
That’s it. Have a good evening. Keep an eye on the news, it’s bound to get interesting soon. Good night.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
10:09 PM -
WAG - Hmm?
When a weekend requires a 4 hour nap on a Saturday afternoon, you know a lot happened.
I just wish I had enough brain cells left over to recount it now.
But I don't.
Maybe tomorrow evening I might be able to scrape some more together.
And if I get insomnia tonight, maybe a bit earlier...
Thursday, October 02, 2003
11:25 PM -
WAG - A Few Quizzes
I don't do online tests very often (for reasons that will shortly be obvious). When I do get around to them, I work my way through quite a multitiude.
Here's some results and comments.
First, who says you can't go back? 
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alannaLosing marbles... Ah... I get it.
You are Rice Krispies, you know how to have your
What Cerial Would You Bebrought to you by QuizillaCrap. Now I'm hungry.

Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey :) Hoist that Union Jack!
How British are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
By Jove...! 
"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurythmics)
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Which 80's Song Fits You?brought to you by QuizillaOh good. A song to play through my head as I fall asleep.

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alannaBAA!
Here's an unexpected biblical test on a largely secular site: 
You are Romans.
Which book of the Bible are you?brought to you by Quizilla
You are The Twins, from "The Matrix."
Bad, but with a sexy streak- surprisingly
refreshing. You know what you want, when you
want it.
What Matrix Persona Are You?brought to you by QuizillaOh goody. I'm the bad guys.You are truly Evil ha ha ha!!!
are you evil or good?brought to you by QuizillaWhat a nice follow up. 
You are VERY EVIL! You are not quite evil to the
bone, but you love to have a good laugh at
somebody else's expense. You love to let
people know that they better watch out for you!
How EVIL are you?brought to you by QuizillaThis is starting to get ridiculous. You are CORRUPTIVE. You love to make people
miserable and you love to get what you want.
You would do anything to get what you desire.
What Kind of Person Are You Really??brought to you by QuizillaOh, for the Love of all things blessed and Pete...
But then this test says... Good Job. You're not a dissappointment:)
Are you a dissappointment or a worthwhile human?brought to you by Quizilla
And then... 
Wow you're nice. In fact you're a bit of a
doormat. You are ripe pickings for a Vampire.
The Ultimate quiz to see if you're Evilbrought to you by Quizilla
However... You would give a vampire a good fight. Obviously
you are not a vampire hunter, but you are
definitely not an easy victim. You have a 50%
chance of defeating a vampire.
face="Georgia" size="+1">
Now don't be afriad I'm going to give you the
choice I never had.
HERE to become immortal.
Can you survive an attack by a vampire?brought to you by QuizillaTIGER!!! You're mean, and you don't need anyone!!
Which Wild Beast Are You?brought to you by QuizillaSimply put: Go Mizzou! 
You're goin' down! FOR KIDNAPPING!
Hey kids? Who wants candy and a fast ride?
What Would You Go to Jail For? (Many outcomes)brought to you by QuizillaNo comment. Yeah. Cool. Awesome. Stupendous. Magnificent.
Great. Wonderful. Happy, happy, happy!!!!!
The stupid, pointless quiz!!!!!!!brought to you by QuizillaI don't know what this means, but hooray!? You are John Lennon. No you're not, he's better
than you!
Which 1960's musician are you?!?brought to you by QuizillaThat's right. I'm not; and that's a good thing. For a while, when I had a different pair of glasses and slightly longer hair, I was often told I looked like Lennon. Due to our differences in lifestyles, and choices in women, however, I have to admit I've never really appreciated the comparrision. Thank you Quizmaker for exhuming this burried memmory. oh yey...your evil Domination bob, you want to take
it all for yoruself and get whatever you want
or need, Anrachy all the way!!!
What kind of bob are you?brought to you by QuizillaThe sad thing is that I'd prefer THIS over Lennon. 
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.
Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?brought to you by QuizillaRock on Captain Sparrow. Your a Lucky person. You know that no one ever gets
lucky by sitting around and waiting for
something to happen. Even winning the lottery
requires an action. A successful person takes
steps every day that are towards a goal. Some
steps may be small, but they aren't stuck
waiting for someone or something else.
How Lucky Are You?brought to you by QuizillaWhat a call to arms. It almost makes me want to stop taking quizes... but just one more to go...And this test sums it all up: 
Congratulations, you are a quiz RESPONDANT! When
you are linked to a quiz, you answer the
questions, in anticipation of the always
eventful RESULTS page!
A Quiz for Avid Quiz Takers!brought to you by Quizilla
Have a good day. Don't take too many of these quizes. Get some fresh air too.
10:24 PM -
WAG - What's that Thingy at the Bottom?
If one were to scroll down to the end of the page, you'd see a little Web Hits counter thingy. I've long been meaning to put one in, but didn't seem to get around to it till today.
Other changes can be noticed without as much scrolling if you'd glance left and see two new News links, along with a whole new category devoted to MU student links.
Since I put a sign on my door spotlight this website, I thought I'd throw in a several helpful links. The MU web system is a tricky thing, and I thought it would be nice to see some of them collected in one place.
I'd add the sites about figuring out student emails or phone numbers, but those are links that need to be earned and not just handed over.
J-Students, ask me about them after you get through J-105. Non journalism majors, contact me and we'll discuss my bribe system. Cash, check, credit cards, or chocolate chip cookies all accepted.
I have a few more tweaks in mind leading into the one-year aniversity of this site, coming next week, but that's enough for tonight.
I think I'll do some stupid personality quizes to wind down and then go to sleep.
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
10:54 PM -
WAG - Snapshots
I don't have time for a full post today – sorry – but I would like to recount some various instances. These are totally unrelated and almost pointless. I have provided just enough background and context to see a glimpse, but that’s all.
In the ever-escalating war against the snooze alarm and the quest for more sleep (being doled at 5 minutes at a time), I still manage to shake myself awake with over an hour before class. Due to the cooler weather reports, a lengthy morning news crunch, and general lethargy, I still must scramble to make it to class on time.
I spent lunch with my friend Leah and we had our usual conversation where we discuss/dissect/and otherwise swap stories about our lives, work, relationships, school, and anything else under the sun that peaks our interest. We typically arrive during the lunch crunch, but are still there long after the food workers have finished their afternoon break. No major revelations revealed today, but that’s normal. We tell only stories… and we break for NBC’s Passions (or our tape recording of Gilmore Girls). That’s it.
I spent hours crafting a fancy sign for my door “The Nerve Center of Considering how simple it is to say, the layers of construction paper, piles of markers, and liberal application of scotch tape and Elmer’s glue tell me I could have gotten many more things completed in the same amount of time. Though the sign is really cool.
I watched Disney’s animated cartoon Recess and had discussions about how you can’t truly appreciate the cartoon until you get to high school (since you recognize what you no longer have and get nostalgic for old days [being bummed about in-door recess during rainstorms, the quest for the good kick ball, or the Zen that is achieved simply running around in circles for no good reason]).
I saw an abandoned fountain drink balanced on the sidewalk as I was about to cross the street to catch my ride to band. I decided to give it a slight kick. I didn’t know that it was nearly full, and I caught it with the side of my foot, and I and ended up spraying a jeep parked nearby. Staring straight forward I head directly toward my waiting ride, filled with people gaping at me. I wait until I’m in the car before asking, “There wasn’t anyone in that jeep was there?” Laughing, they tell me the cup actually ended up balanced on the hood of the jeep, and I swerve around to catch a glimpse, but we’re already around the corner by then.
During the shortest wedding I have attended ever (going through the reception line took almost as long as the ceremony itself), I was nearly peppered with baby powder and almost had my eyes gauged out by a two-year old bouncing on my girlfriend’s lap (who she’s babysitting this week [the girlfriend – not the baby]). The theme of reuniting was sweet. Lots of little details were nice (like the Jessie’s brother giving away the bride, or the pastor telling the groom to “Go and get her,” from the son immediately followed by him half-tripping down the stairs to the platform to do so). The cake was good, the punch was better, and the family photo, with what appeared to be over 30 people crammed on the stage, were all quite a sight to behold.
Due to previous engagement, and the fact my girlfriend’s parents were quite good at keeping the wedding a secret until last Sunday (or longer if people didn’t go this weekend), I had to catch a different ride home. During the trip, I heard a couple recount tales from their years working on a ranch in the Rockies. I was sure to thank them both for the lift and the stories told.
Once I returned to the dorm and dropped by a friend’s room, I reluctantly proved my theory that I can’t watch more than 5 minutes of Law & Order without feeling obligated to finish out the rest of the episode – regardless of where I come in. Further unfortunately, they aired back-to-back episodes. The only time I left was to retrieve a chair from my room.
Heading out of my friend’s room, after roughly a 2-hour tour, we made a brief comment about the 80’s a Prince music video headed BET’s Wednesday night classic rotation. Instantaneously, a girl jumped into the doorway. She was dressed jean shorts, a tank top with a sweater slung off one shoulder (Flashdance-style), stripped socks pulled up high over a pair of Keds, yellow sunglasses, and a black wig highlighted with silver tinsel.
“Did someone say the Eighties?” she asked before just as quickly leaping out of the doorway and ducking into a neighboring room. Further investigation told us it was the same girl who had the bubble wrap outfit last week. Her sorority is having an 80s tomorrow night, but since she can’t go, she figured she’d dress up tonight.
Finishing this long list of wacky situations, I realize my life isn’t too bad, that it is quite entertaining, and that maybe this cop-out idea of a post wasn’t such a bad thing. Having come to a BS conclusion that sounds plausible, I tap SpelChek. I spend an additional 15 seconds imagining a scene where one criminal chastises another for mentioning The Breakfast Club for fear of invoking the arrival of the newest super heroine on the block.
With that scene done, I come up with a “Say Something” comment line, and deem it good before hitting PUBLISH.
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