WAG - More Selected Quotes
Here's another band of comments recorded and subsequently shook out of notebook and memory to be viewed (and possibly enjoyed) by the public.
[On the constant running of red lights in downtown Kansas City:]
“I’m glad I have a center seat. That means I’ll live that much longer than those of you on the outside.”
[Contemplating the situation faced by the driver who was run off the road by Bus 4, when the bus driver switched lanes without looking:]
“I wouldn’t be pissed about the cones… But I would be pissed about the barrels.”
[A short excerpt – or at least what I can recall - from the game of Red Rover conducted during the impromptu 3-hour hold-over after Bus 1 broke down:]
“Red rover, red rover, send the Fat Man right over!”
“Hold on tight….”
“This isn’t gonna be pretty…”
[Assorted grunts, groans, and screams as the line is torn asunder.]
[Comment from girl who broke the chain; who recently recovered from a broken foot and wasn’t looking for another hospital stay:]
“There was no way I was going to hold on under THAT.”
[Said by Tuba Teacher Janet before and after she started to play:]
“I’m 30! I’m too old to be playing ‘Duck, duck, goose.’”
[When the Director of Marching Mizzou climbed out of the lead bus and stood in the middle of an intersection, in a suit, blocking traffic so that all 6 buses could get through:]
“That man is a man of many talents.”
We should have painted these buses completely sparkling gold. They’d shine into peoples’ eyes – and cause accidents.
“No wait. We’ve already caused accidents.”
[On one of the most popular t-shirt designs worn by KU fans:]
“If I see one more ‘Muck Fizzou’ shirt, I’m going to….
[Upon fans pushing their way into the band set:]
“Keep the KU fans out.”
[Followed by a multitude of mischievous grins and determined fish clenching]
[More bus trouble:]
“How can be lost on [KU] campus? Why couldn’t we have gone out the way we came?”
“Too easy. That’s what they’re expecting us to do.”
[On the multitude of hills and slopes in the landscape:]
“Do you suppose they made their campus [this way] to look less like… Kansas?”
“The itinerary says we’ll be back in Columbia by 6:30. My watch says it is 6:15 and we are currently [dropping people off] in Kansas City. These last 15 minutes are gonna go by pretty fast.”
[Repeatedly asked comment:]
“Why are we at the side of the road?”
“How the hell are we supposed to get back on the highway?”
“I say let Bus 2 do the ramming and we’ll play clean-up from there.”
[Approaching the weight station:]
“Why are we slowing down?”
“We’re getting weighed.”
“Now before we get weighed, I want you to know I ate A LOT… And they’re gonna want that [change in weight] to be explained.”
[Often asked at the gas station 30 minutes from Columbia:]
“We’re stopping here? Now? Why?"
[Upon finally hitting Columbia City limits:]
“I have never been so happy to see the Pasta House.”
[Summarizing trip expenditures:]
“I think we’ve learned the place to make budget cuts is NOT in the buses.”
[Most common response to the question, “How was your trip?” -]
“Heh heh heh heh. Where to start?”